Teaching a Dog to Track by Scent

a dog on a lawn and the hand of its owner holding a ball

When a dog tracks, it uses its nose to track a specific scent. Dogs are born with the ability to track. Your dog most likely began tracking when he was a very young puppy—because his eyes hadn’t yet opened, he needed to utilize his nose to locate his mother so he could … Read more

How To Train Your Dog To Stay


Mastering the “stay” command as early as possible will make life a lot easier for both you and your puppy. This can help you keep them under control, while also keeping them out of mischief. It could even save their life! It’s simple, but it takes time. Prepare yourself for some failures. … Read more

Picking a Potty Training Crate for Your Puppy

Picking a Potty Training Crate for Your Puppy

Using a crate can be a good idea for potty training your puppy if you can’t supervise him at all times. It may not look like a dog toilet-training device, but it helps and it works. If you confine your puppy in a crate, he won’t be able to ease in other … Read more

Tips to Better Control your Dog’s Barking


Barking is a natural form of communication for dogs. You must never expect a dog to stop barking. However, sometimes dogs bark excessively that it becomes annoying for you and your neighbors. You wanted to relax and take a nap in the afternoon, but your dog’s barking keeps you awake. You invite … Read more

How to teach a dog to cross the street

Training Your Puppy to Go on Walks

Most dogs go crazy to go outside. Although we can always do something to keep his composure a bit, when it comes to cross the street, things get complicated. They want to run and jump on cars without thinking about what might happen. It is obvious that they do not think. Hence … Read more

Modern Dog Training

Modern Dog Training

They say that dogs are a human’s best friend. They join us for walks, help us stay active by dragging us to play catch with them.They get really excited to see us when we come back home from a tiring day at work, they lick our faces and express their love very … Read more